It's been a month+ since my last blog. Not been blogging much, oh well ... Sadly I've been terribly busy with so many things including 'bulan puasa', Raya Aidilfitri and etc that I've let things slip. Everything was crazy+fun at the same time! I've few weird+interesting stories to tell. Before I start with my Disaster stories .. I would like to wish all the Muslims 'Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri' & Maaf Zahir Batin ... It's a month of forgiving, and creating sweet memories ... :-) Although I know Raya is mostly fun for kids (especially the duit raya) ... But I had fun too ... posing with my bajus Raya! *LOL*
So what has kept me so busy? Quite a lot actually! :-) In no particular order... I shall now start with my Disastrous:
1. Sheli's stained expensive mattress
Her Fluffy peed on her RM4,500 mattress! And it cost her RM500+ to get the stain off!! OMG! The mattress guy came with some equipments+detergents just to get it cleaned. The frothy substance that was moist but not wet was left on the mattress before letting it dry. The stain began to fade during the drying off process. There were few other processes involved before drying it off. The process did take about few hours.
Now fluffy is temporarily grounded ~ she is restricted from entering Sheli's bedroom! Kesian fluffy ... But you sure learnt your lesson, Fluffy! Not to pee on mommy's mattress anymore! :-p
2. We survived a fire!
On 2nd September it was the 'cheap single gas stove' accident that led to the fire burning! How it all started? we wanted to fry eggs, but the next thing we knew, the fire was like the power of monster in front of us - and it just got bigger and bigger. We were in a state of panic however we handled the situation well! *Now we're giving ourselves a pat on the shoulders* :-)
Sheli was battling with fire ~ both of us had to get wet towels to stop the fire before it got worse and there goes Sheli's Aussino's bath rope damaged by the fire. Sorry about that, Shels. Guess what!? ~ The fire didnt stop! Sheli called up the security guards to get the fire extinguisher. The guards came up and shot out too much of the fire extinguisher where it actually only affected the wet kitchen area - but the whole house was in a deep mess! While Sheli was handling her part, my task was to call the emergency services to come rescue us!
By the time the fire brigade arrived, everything was in a mess, and Sheli asked the management to get the cleaners to help her clean her house. But it's good that with their help+Sheli's maids, the house was as good+clean as new :-). It's a new house anyways ... :-)
I must say that one thing good about all that was because we had each other ~ all the way! Sheli's been a great housemate, a great friend+sister ... my best friend actually! :-)
Mostly thanks for letting me crash your place for two weeks. :-) And making me see what I didn't see about myself.